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Thank you for your interest in Sponsoring - it is absolutely critical to our mission.  We have several sponsorship opportunities for our gala.  We are grateful for your sponsorship consideration.


 Please download our 2019 Warrior Gala Information Packet for details about each sponsorship opportunity.  EWF Gala 2019 Sponsorship Information_Web.pdf

EagleForce Warrior Foundation Warrior Gala 2019
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Registration opens: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Registration closes: Friday, May 31, 2019
Registration for this event is currently closed.

The EagleForce Warrior Foundation was established to support our wounded, ill and injured military service members and their extended families. While our government does an excellent job of caring for our wounded warriors that are injured or fall ill in combat operations in a military area of operation (AOR) and transporting family members to be at their bedside there are still many needs that are unmet.  We are here to stand in the gap.  We provide aviation and ground transportation for wounded Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, National Guardsmen, Reservists, Coast Guardsmen, and their families as they transition to and from their initial critical care in military hospitals and subsequent treatment in Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, civilian hospitals, and clinics.

Our Sponsors